<aside> 👋 Hi there! Welcome to our recruitment page. This page is an up-to-date list of all our open roles.


What is PTC?

Project Tech Conferences is a 100% student & volunteer-run charity.

Our Mission: to provide high school and middle school students with opportunities to learn about technology 💻

Our Vision: to inspire and empower the next generation of programmers 👩‍💻👨‍💻

How it works

Interested in joining our team? Here’s what you need to know:

Let’s Connect!







Application Form


Open Positions

<aside> ❕ Use this table of contents to jump to the committee of your choice:

Regional Committees

Regional committees will work together in a team of 7 to plan an in-person conference in summer 2025!

<aside> ❕ Open to high school students **in each region: Calgary, Chicago, Ottawa, PEI, Seattle, Toronto, Vancouver, Waterloo



Conference Committee

A successful conference would not be possible with the help of a dedicated team—and a Conference Coordinator! In the upcoming year, we are looking for one Conference Coordinator in each of our 8 regions!

Conference Coordinators will act as mentors to regional teams as they plan for their annual conference events.

<aside> ❕ Open to post-secondary students in tech related programs. Preference will be given to students physically in our operating regions.

